Tamalpais High Athletic Hall of Fame
To submit a nomination for the Tamalpais Hall of Fame, complete the nomination form for a player, coach, special contributor or team.
Criteria for Nomination
Nominees may be former athletes, coaches, teams, members of the athletic staff, or supporters of Tamalpais athletics.
Any athlete who has graduated from Tamalpais and met the eligibility requirements of his or her time is eligible for consideration, provided that ten years have passed since his or her period of eligibility. A team is eligible for nomination ten years after the completion of its season of sport.
Former coaches who have had outstanding success in their sports, athletic department members who have had a lengthy period of distinguished service to the school, and particularly dedicated, long-time supporters of athletic programs shall be eligible for consideration.
Athlete candidates shall have competed with a high standard of sportsmanship and positive spirit and with their own efforts and achievements oriented to the success of their team. A similar standard of ethics shall have characterized the years following their time at Tamalpais. Coaches considered for induction shall have been attentive to the continual athletic improvement and personal development of each team member. The same ethical and life standards expected of athletes shall also characterize the life of the coach. Nominated teams should be those which brought honor to Tamalpais by performing at a high level or exceeding expectations, always demonstrating a distinguished degree of team play and sportsmanship. Exceptional supporters of Tamalpais athletics, including athletic staff members who are nominated, shall have provided opportunity and encouragement to teams or the athletic department as a whole.
As a guide to selecting outstanding athletes and teams, the following criteria should be considered to be of great importance. (The list is not presented in order of importance)
Team MVP
All-league selection
All-NCS selection
All-state selection
All-American selection
Section champion
State champion
Record setter or holder
Participation or recognition at the national level
Distinguished post-high school career
Winner of special awards given by teammates or coaches.
The Selection Committee will have the flexibility to recognize outstanding individuals whose qualifications are not on the above list.